3 New Kid-preneur Books by BGF

3 New Kid-preneur Books by BGF

Introducing our new Kid-Biz Book Series for at-home, after-school and/or in-classroom use. And all of them are available for purchase at Amazon.com! “Kid-preneur’s Startup Kit” This kidpreneur’s workbook is for K-12 kids to learn the arts of...
What is a Social Venture?

What is a Social Venture?

I must confess: I was recently asked to be on a panel about Social Ventures and didn’t know what that meant. So I googled it and found a bunch of stuff summarized as follows: [su_quote]Social Ventures are undertakings that leverage business skills to do...
Brand-Aid Hawai‘i Kicks Off

Brand-Aid Hawai‘i Kicks Off

Another BizGym Foundation project kicked off this week with the inaugural Brand-Aid Triage Pop-up. Special Thanks to Dr. Evans and the gang at Argosy University for being the presenting sponsor and hosting the event at Tamarind Park at Bishop Square in downtown...