
Self-Implementing K-12 Project-Based Learning


Shaka and Jesse Lewis CLM collaboration curriculum

FREE Shaka SEL Curriculum

Social Emotional Learning curriculum made in collaboration with the Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement.

Color a Garden Shaka

FREE Color a Shaka

8.5″ x 11″ coloring pattern. Learn the meanings of the Shaka while coloring a picture.

Make a Shaka Sculpture

FREE Sculpt a Shaka

8.5″ x 11″ sculpting pattern. Get junks, cut 2″ pieces and hot glue to make something of nothing!

T-Shirt Market PBL Curriculum

T-Shirt Market

Story-based design thinking & entrepreneurship for grade K-12. Supports both individual and team-based projects.

Amazon: Teachers »  |  Students » 

Sticker Market PBL Curriculum

Sticker Market

Story-based design thinking & entrepreneurship for grade K-12. Supports both individual and team-based projects.

Amazon: Teachers »  |  Students » 

Jewelry Market PBL Curriculum

Jewelry Market

Story-based design thinking & entrepreneurship for grade K-12. Supports both individual and team-based projects.

Amazon: Teachers »  |  Students » 

Shaka Add Aloha

Add Aloha Workshop

“Add Aloha” empowers students (middle school & up), companies and organizations to apply Shaka values and Aloha Spirit from the documentary, “Shaka, A Story of Aloha.” Strengthen relationships, boost team morale, improve leadership, and refine services and communications.

Buy at Amazon »

Shaka, Create with Aloha

Design-Thinking Workshop

“Create with Aloha” is a unique approach to design-thinking students (middle school & up), companies and organizations to apply Shaka values and Aloha Spirit from the documentary, “Shaka, A Story of Aloha” with the VIBE® Creative Skills Assessment.

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More Titles!

Lemonade Market PBL Curriculum

Lemonade Market

Story-based design thinking & entrepreneurship for grade K-12. Supports both individual and team-based projects.

Amazon: Teachers »  |  Students » 

Project Lemon Tree curriculum workbook | BizzyB

Project Lemon Tree

Applied STEM that combines ecological sustainability, agricultural science, building engineering, construction, maker innovation and entrepreneurship for grades K-12.

Amazon: Teachers » | K-5 » | 6-12 » 

SEO PBL Curriculum

SEO (Search Optimization Writing)

A 21st Century approach to audience-centric writing using Search Engine Optimization techniques for grades 6-12.

Amazon: Teachers »  |  Students » 

Entrepreneurship PBL Curriculum

Entrepreneur Workbook

Story-based design thinking for grades 6-12. Supports both individual students and team-based projects.

Amazon » 

App-preneur PBL Curriculum

App-preneur Workbook

Story-based design thinking for grades 6-12. Supports both individual students and team-based projects.

Amazon » 

Lemonade Stand PBL Curriculum

Lemonade Workbook

Story-based design thinking for grades K-12. Supports both individual students and team-based projects.

Amazon »