Lemonade Alley 2018 brought together a variety of incredible judges from the Hawai’i community. Among the prestigious panel was a renowned, experienced chef with opportunity to provide for his favorite lemonade recipe. In this year’s event, judge Chef Bo, from Uncle Bo’s Pupu Bar & Grill, presented his “Uncle Bo’s Choice” award to Kaimiloa Elementary’s team Lemon Heaven.
The chef’s “Choice” award promises their favorite Lemonade Alley recipe a featured spot in their restaurant’s menu. Bo goes above and beyond what he signed up for. Out of kindness, Uncle Bo’s Restaurant in Haleiwa invites team Lemon Heaven out to brunch to do a demonstration for staff on how to make their award winning lemonade recipe, “Strawberry Slush.” As excited as the kids were, they reached new levels of enthusiasm when Uncle Bo himself came to the demonstration to learn first hand under the young mixologist!
Through Lemonade Alley, Chef Bo was able give outlook and inspiration to some of Hawaii’s best and youngest lemonade mixologist! His effort to connect to the community is nothing less than a philanthropic hero. We hope to bring more opportunities like this to businesses and keiki near you!
If you would like to try out the award winning recipe, you may do so at Uncle Bo’s Haleiwa & Kapahulu locations. If you are interested in sponsoring Lemonade Alley or our other programs, you can contact us through this link here.