2022 is the year we emerged from the COVID-19 Pandemic. Yet we were not unscathed as our perspectives, philosophies and priorities have changed forever. So under the strategic facilitation of Marty Dutch, VP & Director of Philanthropy Services at First Foundation Bank, our Board hunkered down to reconsider our organization’s highest and best use. The result: a new and improved Strategic Plan.
The Plan, approved by the Board of Directors, calls for sweeping change to now specialize in fostering ideation and expression to create positive impacts. “Ideation” to us includes creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship, so we’re not throwing our baby out with the bath water. And “Expression” reflects our new programs in soundstage operations and film production while still including business presentation, pitching and financial forecasting/literacy programs. These new positions have been reflected in adjustments to our Vision Statement, Mission Statement, organization name, website names and program mix. You can view evidence of this Plan all over our official website here at ID8.org, and most specifically at the page entitled About.
Now exiting the era of COVID, I’m super thankful to our team, proponents, supporters and donors for remaining constructive during difficult times. They prove the power of positivity and good ideas can conquer anything. And now with the wind in our sails once again, I’m excited for an amazing run in 2023 as we all work together in supporting Ideas for Good.
With Aloha,
Our documentary project, “Shaka, A Story of Aloha” grew into multiple initiatives now collectively known as PROJECT SHAKA. In addition to the film, Project Shaka includes a thought leader Shaka Summit, a Free Shaka Sticker program, a Hawaii State Vehicle License Plate program and Shaka curriculum. See ProjectShaka.com »
Key Metrics reported in a pro-bono omnibus survey conducted by Anthology Research included:
ID8 Studios was in full production this year with film, tv, advertising, photography, music and other types of productions. 2022 additions included a new green screen lighting system and upgraded power distribution system. See ID8studios.org »
“Behind-the-Scenes at Id8 Studios” was inaugurated as a community service to empower aspiring artists and the creative community with current best-practices. The program tapes as a “popup” that utilizes unbooked studio time. If you know of any artists with knowledge to contribute, please Contact Us. Shows can be found at our YouTube Channel »
PLT is back in full swing with several schools building pergola projects. ID8 Directors Christian Whitney, Jennifer Sagon-Taeza, Valerie Wang, Ryan Ozawa and Steve Sue participated in PLT events. Over 200 citrus trees were adopted by Hawaii residents at a recommended donation rate of $25/tree. Donations were used to support the program that makes trees available to school campuses free of charge. See ProjectLemonTree.com »
Curriculum models continued sales on Amazon including Lemonade Alley which is no longer a live event for ID8 and instead, now implemented on campuses by teachers. Other titles include “Entrepreneur,” “App-prenuer,” “SEO” (Search Engine Optimization) and a Shaka-based entrepreneur series for sticker, t-shirt and friendship jewelry. See Curriculum »
Event Director Kimee Balmilero took the event live again after being shuttered in 2020 due to Pandemic and playing online in 2021. The conference-style event provides learning, performance and showcase opportunities for local writers, performers and artists.
We’re a relatively small nonprofit. But we like to think we do a lot with a little. We accomplish this by maintaining a tight belt on expenditures. All Officers and Directors are 100% volunteers and our office is donated by Chairperson Steve Sue. Our goal is to minimize overhead in order to maximize bottomline impacts.
We also actively seek to make our programs self-sustaining as social ventures. If you believe in the potential of our programs, please support us.
ID8 (ide•ate) is a Hawai’i 501C3 nonprofit that fosters ideation and expression to create positive impacts. About »