Shaka Film on “The Conversation” Hawaii Public Radio

huge mahalo to Catherine Cruz for having Steve Sue (me) on “The Conversation,” Hawaii Public Radio to feature the Shaka film project. I was told we’d do a 10 minute interview but the end product was a full 28 minutes on the history and meaning of the Shaka gesture.

Listen 28:33 »

Kela Miller, Harold Pukahi, Cy Bridges & More!

Listen to behind the scenes stories of how the project came into being and who’s behind it. Learn of today’s kupuna who were interviewed for the picture who as keiki knew the original Shaka man, Hamana Kalili. This is an oral history preservation story that the kupuna want preserved and told.

Henry Kapono, Bryan Spicer, Alex Boccheri, Bryson Chun & More!

Learn how an all-star creative came together to make what is hoped to be a Hawa‘i‘i film classic. This production is 60% shot and in funding for an expansion from an original 30-minute documentary length to a feature at 90 mins. All agree the storyline deserves the longer format, so the ante has been upped.

Kamehameha Schools, Shaka Tea & More!

Find out how Lauren Nahme of Kamehameha Schools went to bat for first funding and in the process delivered both funding and cultural consultants from KS. And note that Shaka Tea founder Bella Hughes sought us out to help support the film with actual cash AND all the Shaka Tea we can use at premieres and other events.

First Lady Dawn Ige and Friends Jump Aboard

And learn how First Lady Dawn Ige came up with the idea to hold a Shaka Summit for thought leaders to think forward on how to use the Shaka to champion education, malama tourism, Japan/Hawai‘i cultural connections, local business, sustainability and more.

A Cure for An Age of Pandemic & Acidic Politics

The moral of the story? That the Shaka holds the secrets to positivity, exhalation, love, service, kindness. Through the Shaka, Hawai‘i can show a way to optimism and believing in the best in people. The world is ready for a chill pill and the Shaka’s the way.

Get Involved!

The Shaka Film needs funding. Help us get creative. Donate a few bucks. Help preserve one of Hawaii’s most epic and best known stories.See the website and contact us »