In an age of Coronavirus COVID-19, Bizgenics’ BizzyB Team remains 100% viable working from home and offers free use of BizzyB, the online student innovation platform for the balance of the school year.
Bizgenics’ BizzyB Team 100% Viable
In observance of social distancing, our development systems were upgraded for Dhaka team members to work from home. Luckily, most team members are gamers with good machines and bandwidth. Meanwhile, our Honolulu office has always been fully remote, so we’re among the lucky organizations that remains in full operations. You’ve heard it on every communication channel but it cannot be emphasized enough to observe social distancing, hand-washing, etc. While many, even most, will never even know they had the virus, the threat is passing the disease on to an elder. We’re doing our part and we urge all others to as well.
Free Use of BizzyB Online Student Innovation Platform
We’re also taking an additional step to provide solutions for public and private schools around the globe by offering free access to the BizzyB online learning platform for the balance of the academic year. This project-based learning program connects students, parents, educators, curriculum authors, contest producers, education institutions, and employers into an innovation and entrepreneurial online community.
“With our K-12 schools closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we hope to engage even more students in fun, productive, safe and at-home learning exercises that prepare kids for college and careers,” said Bizgenics founder and chairman Steve Sue. “We’re also happy to run special BizzyB sessions for teachers participating in the Hawaii Department of Education’s Professional Development Training program.”
Utilizing project-based learning, the software differs from traditional curriculum by focusing on hands-on activities that investigate topics based around central themes and questions. Some of BizzyB’s unique features include the ability to compete in contests or hackathons which allow students to generate personal digital portfolios; assessment of students’ 21st Century “soft skills” such as leadership, communication, teamwork and responsibility; and virtual mentoring in real-time.
Design research to date includes studying innovative learning processes with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s LaunchX high school feeder program and with the University of Hawaii at Manoa’s Center on Disability Studies. BizzyB will also be used to power the upcoming HIplan Hackathon from April 4-5, 2020. This contest, sponsored by the University of Hawaii at Hilo and Hawaii Community College, will now be run virtually with technology mentors from the east and west coasts of the mainland as well as top-level programmers from our coding team in Bangladesh.
For more information, contact Steve Sue (steve[at] or Contact Us »