TECH-TONIC SHIFTS: Transforming Education Through Technology

A “Transforming Education Through Technology” brainstorm was held at the STEM Ecosystems Convening, October 22, 2019 in Cleveland, OH. The premise: technology is shaking traditional education to the core. To some, technology is creating amazing new worlds. To others, education has become a hazardous landscape of fractured faults.

Technology & Education

[su_row][su_column size=”1/2″ center=”no” class=””]Steve Sue of Bizgenics Foundation kicked off the session with a history of how technology has driven education through economic eras then stepped aside to let the big dogs bark…

4 Big Dog Breakouts

Session participants were asked to join one of four breakout sessions to explore trends, tools, applications and concerns of digital technology in education. The four breakouts:

  1. Education Policy: facilitated by Natasha Smith Walker of Illinois and Vince Stewart of California
  2. Learning Systems: facilitated by Lisa Blank of New York, Katie Grootegoed of Ohio & Timothy Caminos of Hawai’i
  3. Skill Assessments: facilitated by Pavi Lakshminarayan of New Jersey and Winnie Black of Pennsylvania
  4. Career Pathways: facilitated by Beth Demke of North Dakota and Latrenda Leonard Sherrill of Pennsylvania

This session concludes with breakout teams sharing brainstorm results. See Session Notes »

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