New App-preneur Accelerator Launched

HaccUp App-Entrepreneur Hackathon & Accelerator | Bizgenics Foundation

An Accelerator for Both Coders & Non-Coders

HaccUp App-Entrepreneur Hackathon & Accelerator | Bizgenics FoundationBizgenics Foundation recently launched HaccUp, an app-entrepreneur accelerator program that empowers app-preneurs, both coders and non-coders, to create positive impacts for People, Planet and Philanthropies.

0% Equity Business Model

HaccUp requires 0% equity for participation and offers rock-bottom development costs by using Bizgenics’ microservices development platform and offshore development team. Participants are free to leave the platform at any time, no strings attached or may remain on the platform even past MVP incubation by paying shared hosting and maintenance fees.

Cost-Effective Microservices Architecture & Offshore Development

HaccUp is a spinoff of Bizgenic’s program. For the past three years, BizzyB has been in development under grant from the Hoag Foundation in Irvine CA as part of an initiative to build a project-based learning student innovation platform. Through this program, a robust microservices architecture and offshore development team have been built. Significant cost-savings are had through offshore development teams configuring pre-built microservices modules and topping with layers of custom features.

Inaugural Cohort

In addition to BizzyB, applications currently in development include:, a contact management platform;, a last will and testament storage system (Launching Summer, 2018),, a financial forecasting app (Launching Summer, 2018);, a re-branded next generation version of (Launching Winter, 2018), and;, an HRM system (Launching late 2019).

Hack Competitions & Open Seats Begin Late 2018

HaccUp™ Hackathon Competitions will begin in late 2018. Winning teams will be offered scholarship into the Accelerator to enjoy microservices and offshore development resources. For-pay open seats will also be available for groups applying with development funding.

For more, see the official website at:


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